DotNetNuke: Which modules are being used (and which aren't)
Categories: DotNetNuke |
David O'Leary |
6/26/2008 |
Sometimes, you need (or want) to know which of the modules that are installed on your DNN site are being used, which aren't, and where a module is being used. This can be useful if you want to uninstall unused modules for performance improvements or if you're planning on upgrading your site and you need to know what modules you'll need to test or upgrade. Here's some sql that will help you answer these questions...
Note: If you know the Host login for your site, you can run these sql statements in your Host-> SQL tab.
Question 1: What modules are being used in my DNN instance (excludes admin modules)?
Select Distinct dm.ModuleName from Modules m
INNER JOIN ModuleDefinitions md on m.ModuleDefID = md.ModuleDefID
INNER JOIN DesktopModules dm on md.DesktopModuleID = dm.DesktopModuleID
WHERE dm.IsAdmin = 0
Question 2: What modules are installed but not being used?
Select ModuleName from DesktopModules where isadmin = 0 AND
ModuleName not in (select Distinct dm.ModuleName from Modules m
INNER JOIN ModuleDefinitions md on m.ModuleDefID = md.ModuleDefID
INNER JOIN DesktopModules dm on md.DesktopModuleID = dm.DesktopModuleID)
Question3: Where is a particular module being used?
Note: You'll need to replace the Module Name at the very end of this statement with the Module Name of the one you are looking for.
Select tm.TabID, t.TabName, pl.PortalName
FROM DesktopModules dm
INNER JOIN ModuleDefinitions md on dm.DesktopModuleID = md.DesktopModuleID
INNER JOIN Modules m ON md.ModuleDefID = m.ModuleDefID
INNER JOIN TabModules tm ON m.ModuleID = tm.ModuleID
INNER JOIN Portals p ON m.PortalID = p.PortalID
INNER JOIN Tabs t ON tm.TabID = t.TabID
INNER JOIN PortalLocalization pl ON p.PortalID = pl.PortalID
WHERE dm.ModuleName= 'Articles'